Thursday 30 January 2014

So What Style?

I have decided after looking at my research in my books, and on my blog, that I will go down the route of combining the elements of cartoon with realism.

I have developed two sketchbooks as part of my research, one is practise and experimentation with the cartoon form, whilst the other is experimentation with the cartoon/realistic form, the form I now believe will work most.

There is a reason as to why I feel this cartoon/realistic hybrid route will be better than going down just either a strict cartoon/realistic approach. I feel like children will respond more to the cartoon visual style, however I feel a hint of realism may make the book stand out a little amongst many children's books that purely stick with an overly cartoon format of illustrations. Also, expanding upon just children, adults may tend to go for this type of book, over a realistically illustrated book, as they might see it as more child friendly.

Example of my hybrid style. These styles (above and below), combines the cartoon form, whilst taking into aspect various realistic forms, such as the markmaking fur.

Personally I feel children's books overdo the 'full on' cartoon form slightly, as it doesn't really teach young children how certain animals truly look. I feel by adding a bit more realism to my illustrations, I can maintain the appealing cartoon style, whilst giving my animal characters a realistic anatomy.

I strongly believe this is the right balance of how to create my illustrations, I will place an example below, of how I would expect an illustration in my book to appear.


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