Saturday 18 January 2014

Introduction to Unit

In this module, entitled narrative illustration, I will be looking, and delving into the narrative side of illustration.
The module description, and criteria are detailed below.


"Through a series of Narrative Illustrations show an understanding and application of your creative and professional practice. 

Research new and established Illustrators and book publishing companies who work in narrative publications and relate these to your work. 

Document and evaluate personal progression to show understanding of your realised illustrations.

A series of workshops, events and talks will be held throughout this module.

Industry Brief (week 15-28)
Choose one piece from the given text, some of which will be provided by the
BA (Hons) Illustration for Commercial Application Industrial Liaison Group which will be delivered and presented to you as professional briefs.

Analyse the narrative you have chosen and identify the potential illustrative spikes. Consider a suitable genre appropriate to its audience and that reflects your own practice.

Working through the development of ideas show and document how you came to your illustrative conclusion through, design sheets, thumbnails, medium exploration, peer and audience feedback, and show any changes in direction made to the realisation of your work. 

Research and document the professional processes required for delivery of a commissioned illustration to industry.

You must produce a series of illustrations that aspire to industry standards and that reflect your personal practice and illustrative voice. 

The final pieces will be presented digitally as well as in its original format based on your research of the delivery of commissioned illustrations to industry.

Keep an extensive weblog of your research, contact with illustrators or companies, development of your work and ensure all stages are captured and that you reflect on all aspects of the assignment."



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