Wednesday 29 January 2014

Realistic Style?

For my development of the illustration side to my narrative piece, I will be researching different paths to go down, in terms of my illustration style.

One possible style apart from the cartoon form that I can go down the route of, is creating my illustrations in a realistic style. < image reference at this link.
This image above is an example of a highly realistic style of creating illustrations. The image is a graphite sketch, and is very accurate when it comes to the anatomy of the animal.

This image situated above, is an example of a realistic sketched rodent, in this case a hamster.

This style is used in a variety of children's books, however in the modern day era, this is becoming less commonplace, as a more cartoon-like visual style has been coming into place, and has been since around the 1950's. < image reference at this link.
(Above), an example of a children's book, containing a realistic style painting. It is also themed with one of my animal choices.

An example of a cartoon/realistic drawing.

I believe a pure realistic style may not be adapted toward the modern day children's sector, however, mixing it with a few elements from the popular cartoon form, and it may be the style that works for my book. I say a good ratio in terms of style could be 70:30, cartoon and realistic respectively.


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