Wednesday 12 February 2014

Story Progression

After creating a draft story earlier on in my research, I am now in the stages of progressing my literature further.

I have been thinking of an idea which has been in my head for the past few days. 
This story idea revolves around a likeable, but excluded young rodent, who is different to all the other animals, due to a smaller stature. 
He lives in a wooded valley, and due to his tiny size, he cannot participate in a number of activities, such activities could include perhaps sporting events, trying to reach things that are high up, and also climbing. 

After being teased by a group of large, hostile dogs, he gets upset, and becomes sad, because of this, a female canine character, alongside the protagonist, find a way to help overcome his size, and after overcoming this by making a pair of stilts for him, he becomes the tallest animal in the land. He scares off the bullies, and he is well received by everyone, being the 'tallest in the land'.

This book will contain 1 solid pages of a4, however, due to a children's book type of layout, I may stretch this over 30 or so pages. I have not yet decided whether I will go for a spaced out style, much like in the way Helen Stephens displays her book layout (below). Or a style much akin to traditional children's books, such as Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland'.

Examples of how Helen Stephens spaces her text out, and couples it alongside her illustrations.

 I could also go for a more traditional look, a page of text, with a small illustration vignette next to the script.< image reference at this link.
A traditional style page from Alice in Wonderland, written by Lewis Carroll.


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