Saturday 15 February 2014

Sam Arthur

Last month, the illustration class had the privilege of Nobrow's Sam Arthur, making an appearance in the studios.

Sam, with an assortment of some of Nobrow's books.

After having a tour of the workspaces, he talked through a powerpoint that he created, detailing what his company was all about, how they worked, as well as the processes involved in printing, colour use, and sizes. This is the area of his keynote that I found the most interesting.

He also talked about his influences, one of them being old Ladybird books, which in pre-internet times, were a great way to take in bitesize information, and learn.
He discussed how Nobrow worked with a variety of overseas publishers, in order to allow for high quality prints, to remain on international copies.

At the end, he let us look at a few books that were pressed at nobrow, as well as handing out some postcards for all of us. Very nice guy, and a very talented one too. Really enjoyed today, and I took in all I could about the printing industry.

He will be the guy taking a look at our final books, something I am very much looking forward to.


It is worth detailing that Sam is now a part of the CCAD SLG, (student liaison group).


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