Tuesday 4 February 2014

My Character Drafts

Using my assortment of initial sketches, I have created an assembly of rough character drafts in cartoon/realistic style, that I will progress further for use in my novel, under the Nobrow brief. At the time being, these drafts are simple, detailing the outline only, as well as a few traits to help me develop the character further. I have taken elements from all of my initial sketches, that can be found at the front of my A4 sketchpad. Some drawings of cartoon style drafts can be also found on my wall, situated at my desk.

I have been sketching a lot of wolves in the cartoon form, but after trying out bringing in an element of realism, I may progress this style further. Also, I may bring other animals into the story, as part of the background, and maybe to be featured in one or two illustrations.

I have brought in a book, called "The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Dogs, Dog Breeds & Dog Care". It contains over 100 different canine breeds, which may come into help in the creation of some of my characters.

I have also been using my pet hamster for reference, I have been studying her anatomy, as well as her characteristics and visual look.

Kiwi, my hamster.

Some of my labelled character concepts in a cartoon visual style, with ideas.

Character 1, (Protagonist):
For my primary character, (which will be of a hamster), I will use the formation of a male character. This character will need some traits like every character, and I will work on these as time progresses. This is the character that will be the primary subject of exclusion. Because of the use of this theme, It wouldn't make much sense for this character to have a 'dominant' personality. I was thinking about making this character quite shy, and also quiet, but at the same time being friendly. I have decided that giving the hamster (naturally) a small statue will be good for the story, especially how he is the victim. I have taken a little bit of my own personality, and brought it into the protagonist's. Because I will be sharing some elements of personality, It will allow me to immerse myself deeper into how this character feels, at certain points in the story. This is a character that I can relate too, and I am looking forward to working more on this particular character.

*After developing this character idea, I have decided to make this character take on the form of a young hamster, and I have brought this idea into finalisation. You can find my further development on this character in a blog post entitled, My Character Finals.

Character 2, (Major/central character):
My major/central character will be of a wolf, and will be a female character. This character is one that could aid the protagonist, overcome the exclusion he faces. I would like this character to be a friendly one, maybe a bit silly, and a character that appears to be innocent and caring. I think this would make her character a bit more unique, and different. This is a rough idea of how my character will be formed, so I will be progressing on developing this character further, like all my characters in the draft stage. Colours will be solidly decided in the development.

My female major/central character draft, note the inky style, which I love.

Character 3, (Antagonist):
For the antagonist role, I may use a few characters instead of using just one, I am thinking of maybe having three characters to use (changed to two), and I will develop them under one role. These characters will be almost 'villain-like'. However, toward the end they could become friendly. These characters will work together to make up the role of the antagonist. They will be hostile toward the protagonist.

Sub character 1: My first character under the antagonist role, will be a male wolf, who I have decided to make quite large, in terms of strength and power. This coupled with a few scars, as well as rougher expressions will make the wolf seem hostile. He will also be quite cunning, especially more so than the my protagonist.

My first antagonist character draft highlighting shape.
Ditto, with ink.
Sub character 2: My second character taking on the joint role as antagonist, will also be a more hostile character, but to differentiate the characters, I will alter his appearance. The character will be not as strong, but slightly thinner, towering over the other characters. He will be a male, and he will appear to be quite thin, with almost greyhound like legs. His size will be the most intimidating part of this character. He will have a very simple personality, and he will be more of a yes man to the first antagonist character (above)

My character draft for sub character 2.

Sub character 3: My third and final character to fit under the protagonist role. This character will have to be different in some way to the other characters, so I could perhaps bring in items of clothing. A stereotypical 'bad guy' piece of apparel could be perhaps an eye patch. I could make this wolf character, slightly more bulky than the other characters, but with a slightly smaller statue.

*This character has been cut.

Character 4, Minor Character(s):
My story needs a few minor characters to 'fill in the story' a little bit more. These characters may act as extras, or may have a more highlighting role. I was thinking these characters could be placed primarily in the middle, and the end of the narrative. The beginning will focus on the more key characters, and the introduction. These character could be randomly generated.



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