Wednesday 5 February 2014

Illustration Colour

The colours of my illustrations, must somehow reflect the Nobrow brief that I am working from. The brief indicates that the illustrations can (if I choose), be simple coloured and consisting of 3 different primary tones, which when overlapped, will give way to additional secondary tones.

I will place an extract directly from the brief, highlighting the usage of colour.

(An extract from the nobrow brief)

I was thinking for going for either a pastel tone approach, resembling the colour tones from the 1950's. (Taking inspiration and experience from a unit in my previous module, which was entitled "The Book of Drawings". In this unit I also used an array of pastel like tones, and I loved how the colours worked with the style of drawings).

Or going for a black and white colour scheme for simplicity, whilst paying homage to the old style of illustrations, printed in the day before colour printing. I will provide research later on, and I will make my choice from there. < image reference at this link.

I will update this blog when I have developed my characters further.


I have decided to work in the alternative colour mode that the brief suggested, I will work in a mixture of full colour, and black and white illustrations.


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