Thursday 20 March 2014

Book cover illustration

For my book cover, I have been thinking about using the main character as the figure illustration.
My main character is my rodent pet, who is a hamster. 

Because I have an animal to use for reference so close to me, it's ideal to use my pet as my main character, otherwise known as the protagonist role.

I made this illustration below, to use as my front cover draft, for the book.

In my last module, working on the book of drawings, I developed the front cover last. I feel this time around I may want to develop this first for my newer book. I will take this illustration, and come up with a nice front and back cover, with bleed

I will scan this image in, and manipulate it on photoshop. I would like to opt for a bold cover page.


This is the result of me tweaking about with the colour scheme on photoshop. I did something similar to what I did earlier, altering the hues and curves. I was very pleased with this colour scheme, and I could see this image working well on the book. This is an A4 image, so there will need to be a professional bleed.

A more refined version of a draft book cover (below).

This is just the draft main cover page, and the back hasn't yet been developed. However it will take on a very similar theme to the front page.

The front and back cover (last draft), for the book.

The final book cover, highlighting the front and back.


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