Saturday 10 May 2014

Self Portrait for Zine

I have finally completed my self portrait zine for the Coningsby exhibition in July.

I will admit, I have found this task one of the most challenging of the module. I have already created several sketches, that I never felt happy with, so I thought today I would have another shot at creating a piece, as the approaching deadline is may the 19th.

I created this image with a biro ben, and a marker pen. I did not take note of colour as I already new that this illustration would be presented in a black and white format.

I used a photo as reference to this piece, which I took especially for the illustration.

The thing I like most about this illustration, is the hair, the facial layout, the simplicity, the style, and the eyes. What I don't like however, is I think the nose is a little bit off centered.

This illustration will be submitted digitally to be in the class zine.

The illustration after being cropped down into a square format, at a size of 5x5cm.

The zine has been published to the required specifications, of 300DPI,  CMYK colour format, and finalised as a JPEG.


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