Thursday 8 May 2014

Life Drawing Session #4

The other day, the class had the last drawing session of the academic year. This was a new female model, who was interesting to draw.

However, personally I found her poses quite boring, the previous female model was much more interesting in my opinion, she engaged more with the class, and chose a wider variety of different poses, something this new model did not do as much.

Below I will detail a few examples of the work that I produced during this session.

 < My personal favourite.

At the very start of the first life drawing session, my confidence was almost nil, however, over the course of the year, I feel that I have become much more engaged, and more confident. I have also improved quite a bit in terms of mark-making, and anatomy. I believe that I am well on track to finding my own personal style in illustration, however there is a massive amount of room for improvement, of course as always.

Lately I have noticed that my primary tool in illustration, has been pen. I have been using pen for professional purposes for quite some time now, and I have to say I now feel much more relaxed, and in control with this media, than I do with for example, pencil or paint. I believe pen allows me to be much freer with my lines than any other type of medium, maybe it is because I know that I cannot erase pen.


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