Monday 12 May 2014

Evaluation of Module

This module has been my favourite to date so far, in my opinion. I have really enjoyed having the freedom to write my own narrative, and place it alongside my own illustrations.

I was a bit confused at the start of the module, with which route to go down, however once deciding what path to take, it allowed for an easy, and enjoyable module.

I feel like I have learnt a lot about the narrative side of illustration. For example, I know that the industry standard of bleed is between 5mm and 10mm (0.5 - 1cm).
I also have learnt the difference between DPI, PPI, as well as the differences between CMYK and RGB colour formats.

The text above, just highlights a few things that I have been taught from this module.

A few things however, that I wish I could work on better in the future.
For example, I wish that although my time management is much better than what it was in module one, there is still room for improvement. This should also be taken into consideration, when module three runs alongside visual culture theory. I will try to stay on top of my assignments in a more efficient way, for September.

Some reminder notes that I used this module.

I feel that through the life drawing sessions, my skills in human form have improved in such areas as the nose, and facial shape, however, there is much room for improvement, and I will be practising over the summer months so I will be set for returning in september.

My photoshop skills have improved dramatically throughout this module. I no longer cringe when I hear the word photoshop, as I did during module one. As a photoshop 'newbie', I felt really intimidated with the amount of buttons and information on the screen, however now I feel comfortable with most of the basic features. For this module I have mainly been using Adobe CS6.


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