Monday 12 May 2014

Evaluation of Book

Throughout this unit, as you know, I have been developing my own book, based on a Nobrow brief set by Sam Arthur, (see below).



My selected target audience was the children's genre, and I researched into this. Once I found my target audience, I began work on developing the characters that would feature in my book. I went through several sketchbooks, that featured many doodles, sketches, and fully fledged drawings, in order to get an idea of what my final illustrated characters would look like.

I created two books on canines, and one on rodents, both were very helpful in allowing me to make my mind up about the characters.

I aimed toward the start of the module, to create a fully completed, printed book, however, I have decided to focus more on completing the brief's criteria, as a final printed copy of the book isn't required.
I will tweak, and print the book over the next coming weeks, outside of the module timeframe, I would still love to see the book, as it would appear finished, and this is my motivation.


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