Monday 28 April 2014

London Exhibition

The London exhibition is set for a July showcase, and the selection of work will take place at uni on the 30th of april.

I have created a self portrait as part of the exhibition criteria, and here is my piece below. It will be presented in a black and white tone.

I have also been creating work in a few sketchbooks, in order to offer a nice selection of work, that could possibly be used for the gallery. I have taken on the theme of pen rodents for the majority of my possible submissions, as I enjoy drawing them, and the style I use sums me up as an illustrator.

The first 3 images below were sketched into an a5 Windsor & Newton book, and the image after these were sketched into an a4 book.

The image directly above, has been chosen by myself for submission, and will hopefully be exhibited at the Conningsby gallery in London, in June/July.


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