Wednesday 30 April 2014

Book Size & Binding

In the creation of a book of any kind, size must be taken into consideration. Books can be any shape or size, from square, to traditional rectangle shapes. < image reference at this link.

Regardless of shape and size, all books require a 'bleed' area, to allow for any errors. < image reference at this link.

Children's books in particular appear to be more varied in style and size than adult books, this can be seen in the images below.

Taking the Nobrow brief into consideration now, Nobrow use a common size of 17x23 comics, with around 24 pages. < image reference at this link.

Because of this, my book will also consist of a 17x23 size, to reflect nobrow's style. The below photos highligh an example of a book of this size.

The New Ghost, a book by Robert Hunter.

Section of existing Nobrow book highlighting 17x23cm size.


Update: I have emailed Nobrow asking about the possibility of them supplying me with a professional template, I will post a screenshot of my email below.

Unfortunately I never received a reply.

My draft book (left), reflects a Nobrow book that is also in the 17x23cm format. This is proof that I have accomplished my specified book size, as they are exactly the same dimensions.

My first final arranged sheet, highlighting page #1. This piece features a professional bleed.


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